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Movie Theatres & Cinemas in Bharuch

(5 out of 5 based on 1 Ratings)

Given below are the list of best cinemas in Bharuch. Bharuch is center for education but at same time is also known for its multihued cinematic preference that is not restricted to the Bollywood alone. Despite this feature Bharuch has also maintained itself as the cultural Maharashtra and has maintained a distinctive identity and culture. Cinemas in Bharuch offer a confluence of both single screen and multiplexes that co exists. Single screens have sustained because of cinema and at theatre. For your handiness we have listed the top and the best Cinemas in Bharuch across all multiplexes chains and distributors. Each cinema mentioned in this list is complete with description and service that can be availed of.

Fame Shalimar Baug
Address : Shalimar Mall, Above Big Bazaar, Station Road, Bharuch, Gujarat
Fame Shalimar Baug is situated in Shalimar Raod. The 3 screen multiplex has a total of 890 seats. The multiplex has state of art interiors. The multiplex has recliner seats and the other seat ...
Inox Cinema Shree Rang Palace
Address : Shree Rang Palace, Zadeshwar Road, Bharuch 392001, Gujrat
Inox Cinema of Shree Rang Palace is situated on Zadeshwar Road. The multiplex is also one of the cheapest in Bharuch. The theatre has comfortable seats that can be easily adjusted and have enough of leg room ...
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