Acrysil was incorporated in 1987. The company's plant is located at Bhavnagar in Gujarat, India and has its registered office at number 312, Bhavnagar-Rajkot Highway, Navagam, Vartej, Bhavnagar, and Gujarat. The company is a leading manufacturer of composite quartz and granite kitchen sinks in India. The company on account of its excellence was granted with ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001:2004 certificates. The company is into production of Composite Kitchen Sink, Granite Kitchen Sinks, Wash basin, Quartz Kitchen Sink, Kitchen Sink, Colored Kitchen Sink, and Composite Sink. The company is listed in BSE.
Below you will find details about Acrysil Ltd Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.
UGF 15-16, Rivera Arcade,
Nr. Prahlad Nagar Garden Satellite,
Ahmedabad - 380015
Gujarat, India
Tel: 91-79-26937082
Fax: 91-79-40034112
Big Share Services Pvt. Ltd. E/2, E/3, Ansa Industrial Estate
Saki Vihar Road
Sakinaka, Andheri (E)
Tel: 022-28470652, 28470653, 28473474, 40430200
Fax: 022-28475207, 28525207