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Farry Industries

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Farry Industries


Farry Industries Limited was incorporated in 1990. The company provides leasing and hire purchase financing services. The company was formerly known as Farry Leasing & Hire Purchase Private Limited and later changed its name to Farry Industries Limited in November, 1994. 
      Farry Industries Limited is listed on BSE. 

Below you will find details about Farry Industries Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.

Indutry Type


Year of Incorporation


Registered Address

289/2, Kalpataru Soc.,
'B' Building, Office No.15,' Timber Market Road,
Pune - 400042
Tel: 020-6043992 020-3993
Fax: 020-91-22-6046345


Corporate Contact Details


Company Registrar


Company Management

Name : Designation
Farhang Azar : Chairman and Managing director
Akhilesh R Bhargava : Director
David Pandey : Executive Director
Name : Designation
Lona Inasu : Director
Gulshan Azar : Director
Ramchandran Murthy : Director




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