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Top Architecture Colleges in Hyderabad

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Given below is the List of Top Architecture Colleges in Hyderabad 2017 with Ranking.

School of Planning and Architecture Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University (JNAandFAU)
Hyderabad : Mahaveer Marg, Masab Tank HYDERABAD - 500 028, (Andhra Pradesh) Tel : 040-23390770, 23317006
Sri Venkateshwara College of Architecture
Hyderabad : Sri Venkateshwara College of Architecture Hitech City, Madhapur, Cyberabad - 500 033. (R.R.Dist) Phone: 040-23114880, 23118528, 23113699
SAR College of Architecture
Hyderabad : Revenue Survey No.132, Agiripally Village & Mandal, KRISHNA DISTT. - 521 211, Andhra Pradesh, Tel : 08656-224770/ 1/ 2 Fax: 08656-224770
College of Architecture Holy Mary Institute of Technology and Sciences
Hyderabad : Bogaram (Village), Keesar (Mandal) R. R. DISTRICT - 501 301 (Andhra Pradesh) Tel (O): 08415-395953, 395958, Tel (O): 040-23700497, 23701967, 23701837, Fax: 08418 - 264578
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