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Jamna Hospital

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Jamna Hospital

Jamna Hospital is situated at Anand Nagar in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. The hospital is set up to provide quality acute care, and to ensure that as many people as possible have access to elective (non-acute) services. The Hospital have all the basic features and commonly used instruments like Sphygmanometer, Stethascopes, Opthalmoscopes, Otoscopes, Patella hammer, AED machines, Patient monitors, EKG machines, IV bags, Medical needles, X-rays, Thermometer, Syringe, Facial masks, Gloves, Pulse oximetry, Electrocardiogram, Reflex hammer etc. For medical emergencies, well equipped ambulances are available round the clock.

Category : Multi Speciality
City : Bhopal

Hatai Kheda Road, Anand Nagar,
Bhopal - 462021, Madhya Pradesh, India.

Contact No. 0755-2211807

Contact Person : Mr. Abhishek Chouksey

Mobile No. +919425301608, +919685513997

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