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A V M Medicals ENT Research Foundation Pvt Ltd

(2 out of 5 based on 4 Ratings)
A V M Medicals ENT Research Foundation Pvt Ltd

A V M Medicals ENT Research Foundation Pvt Ltd is situated in Chennai. It provides world class ENT facilities. The hospital is set up to deal with many kinds of disease and injury, and also has an emergency department to deal with immediate and urgent threats to health. It also attract and support physicians and other health care professionals of the highest character and greatest expertise.

Category : ENT
City : Chennai

No-3, P.S.Sivasamy Salai,
Mylapore , Off.Dr.Radhakrishnan Road,
Chennai - 600004, Tamil Nadu, India.

contact no : 044 - 24994957, 42034567, 24671452


A V M Medicals ENT Research Foundation Pvt Ltd Facilities

Pathology Laboratory
Pathology Laboratory
X Ray
X Ray
Waiting Room
Waiting Room

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sir, my wife have a problem in left ear totaly that cases we want soulation on our side. last year 3rd june 2012 transills came the next day she say to me.the left ear is not lisiting. tomomrow morning i went local e.n.t docter.but he say to the ear is totaly loss no body can do.that is very rear cases its happend. i think in u hospital u r giveing best sugtion to me. thank u sir....
Posted By : k.rajendra prasad on 19-02-2013
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