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Ashirwad Hospital

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Ashirwad Hospital

Ashirwad Hospital is one of best nursing homes and maternity home situated in Bhandup west area of Mumbai. Bhandup railway station is the nearest railway station and it take only 5 min driving to reach at the hospital from there. It has general ward, mini room, 2 special ward rooms. The Hospital provide facilities and amenities, which promote the highest quality care, afford solace and enhance the surrounding community. The Hospital have all the basic features and commonly used instruments like Sphygmanometer, Stethascopes, Opthalmoscopes, Otoscopes, Patella hammer, AED machines, Patient monitors, EKG machines, IV bags, Medical needles, X-rays, Thermometer, Syringe, Facial masks, Gloves, Pulse oximetry, Electrocardiogram, Reflex hammer etc. Various surgeries like abortion, D&C, Uterus removal surgery, caesarian, normal delivery are practiced here. The hospital is set up to deal with many kinds of disease and injury, and also has an emergency department to deal with immediate and urgent threats to health. It also attract and support physicians and other health care professionals of the highest character and greatest expertise.

Category : Maternity
City : Mumbai

403/404 Santa Rosa, Yogi Hills,
Mulund(W), Mumbai: 400080,

Contact No. 022-25912129, 022-25908476.

Contact Person : Dr. Kishori Dinendra Kadam.

Mobile No. 9820216968.


Ashirwad Hospital Facilities

Pathology Laboratory
Pathology Laboratory
X Ray
X Ray

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