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Ashoka General Hospital

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Ashoka General Hospital

Ashoka General Hospital is located in Malad east area of Mumbai city. They have a full range of primary and specialty care medical services enables cross-specialty consultation, which assures outstanding treatment for each patient. The hospital is set up to deal with many kinds of disease and injury, and also has an emergency department to deal with immediate and urgent threats to health. The Hospital have all the basic features and commonly used instruments like Sphygmanometer, Stethascopes, Opthalmoscopes, Otoscopes, Patella hammer, AED machines, Patient monitors, EKG machines, IV bags, Medical needles, X-rays, Thermometer, Syringe, Facial masks, Gloves, Pulse oximetry, Electrocardiogram, Reflex hammer etc. It currently provide a variety of publicly funded health and disability services such as medical, surgical, maternity, diagnostic and emergency services. The Hospital has the high qualified and expertised doctors and surgeons.

Category : Multi Speciality
City : Mumbai

1st Floor Ashoka Palace,
Makranipada Road, Opp Raheja Township,
Malad(E), Mumbai:400097, Maharashtra, India.

Contact No. 022-28773895, 022 - 26313614.

Fax :  022-24454040.

Contact Person : Dr Agrawal Tushar.

Mobile No. 9821290324.

Visiting Hours : 12:00 am - 2.30 pm


Ashoka General Hospital Facilities

Pathology Laboratory
Pathology Laboratory
X Ray
X Ray

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