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Sushila Hospital

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Sushila Hospital

Sushila Hospital is located at Kurla (West), Mumbai. The hospital is set up to deal with many kinds of disease and injury, and also has an emergency department to deal with immediate and urgent threats to health. It offers a total and comprehensive health solution comparable to the best hospitals in the world. Travel time for personnel within the hospital and the transportation of patients between units is facilitated and minimized. The Hospital has the high qualified and expertised doctors and surgeons. The hospital services are provided on an inpatient, daycase and outpatient basis, depending on the type of care that a patient needs:

* inpatients are admitted to hospital and stay overnight in hospital,
* daycase patients are admitted to hospital and discharged later the same day,
* outpatients attend clinics where they receive specialist services without being admitted to hospital.

Category : Multi Speciality
City : Mumbai

1st Floor Pratap Nagar, A-Wing,
L.B.S Marg, Kurla (West),
Mumbai: 400070, Maharashtra, India.

Landmark : Next To Sheetal Cinema

Contact No. 022-25035362


Sushila Hospital Facilities

Pathology Laboratory
Pathology Laboratory
X Ray
X Ray

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