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Hamdard Clinic and Hospital

(4 out of 5 based on 21 Ratings)
Hamdard Clinic and Hospital

Hamdard Clinic and Hospital is situated at Asaf Ali Road in New Delhi. It is a health care institution providing patient treatment by specialized staff and equipment. They have a full range of primary and specialty care medical services enables cross-specialty consultation, which assures outstanding treatment for each patient. This Hospital provides vast number of services with different departments which makes it the best hospital in and around the area. It provide facilities and amenities, which promote the highest quality care, afford solace and enhance the surrounding community. The Hospital have all the basic features such as surgical instruments, numbers of beds for intensive care and long-term care, specialized facilities for surgery, childbirth and laboratories. The specialists are backed up by the most extensive neurodiagnostic and imaging facilities in the region as well as one of the nation's foremost research programs in clinical and basic neuroscience.

Category : Multi Speciality
City : New Delhi

Asaf Ali Road,
New Delhi - 110002,

Contact No. 011-23239802, 011-23239803


Hamdard Clinic and Hospital Facilities

Blood Bank
Blood Bank
Pathology Laboratory
Pathology Laboratory
X Ray
X Ray

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Can you provide treatment to piles without surgery ? Provide me the procedure what i have do for it that is your most kindness
Posted By : Muzaffar Ahmad Dar on 17-12-2012
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