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Hal Heritage Centre and Aerospace Musuem

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Hal Heritage Centre and Aerospace Musuem

A trip to Bangalore will be incomplete without a visit to the Heritage Centre. A visit to the Heritage Centre takes you into a new world of Aerospace and speaks volumes about the technological growth of our Nation. One will be taken to dizzy heights by looking at the magnificent aircraft on static display at the Museum. An audio visual at the lounge shows you HAL's contribution in our country's Aerospace programs. An exciting experience of flying can be had in the modern flight simulators at the centre. A panoramic view of the landing and take off of various aircraft at HAL Bangalore Airport can be had from the ATC Tower mockup located at the roof top. The view of the runway from the Heritage Centre ATC, has a wide angle effect and shows the entire stretch of runway. This is a place to visit for one and all. A visit once to the Heritage Centre will tempt one to visit again. Except on public holidays and maintainence days it is opened throughout the year between 10am to4:30pm. 


HAL, Airport Varthur Road
Marathahalli Colony
Phone - 080-25228341

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