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National Gallery Of Modern Art

(3 out of 5 based on 2 Ratings)
National Gallery Of Modern Art


Located in the prestigious heritage premises of Manikyavelu Mansion, the NGMA Bengaluru branch was inaugurated by the Honourable Union Minister of Culture and Tourism, Mrs. Ambika Soni on February 18, 1989. Spread over an area of 3.5 acres, the historic heritage mansion was transformed from a residency into a museum gallery, with a display space of 1551 sq. m. It has the largest collection of modern and contemprary art from top notch artists of the world. It is a major art hub of Bangalore. The collection has artwork starting right from the 18th century till now. It is opened throughout the year except public and maintainence holidays betweem 10am to 5:30pm. 


No.49, Manikyavelu Mansion, 
Devadas Petrol Bunk, 
Palace Road, 
Palace Road, 
BANGALORE - 560001
Call: +(91)-(80)-22342338

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