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Kalanidhi Arts

(2 out of 5 based on 1 Ratings)
Kalanidhi Arts


Kalanidhi Arts is located at Amarkunj Society opposite Spring Valley Bungalows in Baroda, Kalanidhi Art Gallery is one of the distinguished Art Galleries of Ludhiana known for its wide collection of paintings, moulding frames, tanjore paintings, miniature jhorkhas, lithograph and interior accesories from various high prolific artists. It attracts a lot of internaltional and local visitors who have always given positive response. The gallery is huge and has a great artistic ambience to it. Except on Sundays and public holidays it is opened on all days between 10am to 8:30pm. 


Ellora Park , 
2, Spandan Complex, 
Amrakunj Society,
Baroda- 390005..
Opposite Spring Valley Bungalows.
(0265) 6532310, (0265) 2326900

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