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Salar Jung Musuem

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Salar Jung Musuem

Established in the year 1951, someone once said that the best way to classify Hyderabad is into people who have seen the Salar Jung Museum and people who haven't visited this place. Salar Jung Museum is huge, spread over 10 acres and 4 floors, and with close to 40,000 exhibits, the museum is a collection of various artifacts gathered by Nawab Turab Ali Khan, popularly known as Salar Jung I, the diwan of the Hyderabad State, and his descendants, with the collection of Salar Jung III alias Mir Yousuf Ali Khan forming the major chunk of the art pieces on display. There are a total of some 36 galleries spread over two floors, the ground and the first. You can start with the Founders' Gallery and move on to the Western Furniture Gallery. The Ivory Section is ethereal with a whole chair set made of ivory, which was presented to Tipu Sultan by Louis XV. A lot of statues and figurines set in ivory encircle the centre display of the chair set. One of the star attractions in the museum is the Musical clock, which has been set up in an open auditorium. At the end of every hour a soldier comes out and rings in the hour. The museum is open on all days except Fridays and public holidays. The booking time for tickets is from 10am to 4:15pm. 


New Buildings, 
Near Estate Talkies, 
Phone: 91 040 24576443 ,91 040 24523211, 13 Ext: 301 
Fax: 040-24572558 

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