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Gallery Art & Soul

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Gallery Art & Soul

Gallery Art & Soul is large art space in the heart of Worli, and enjoys the privilege of working with a huge cross section of artists. Gallery Art & Soul is recognized by the artist community as an exciting space with uniquely conceptualized and well executed art events. This is reflected in their large database of artists and the gallery showcase of works of over 100 established artists, spanning 8 decades. The artist relations are fostered through reputable tie ups in the domestic and international art scenarios. The Gallery’s responsibilities to their clients are met by raising art consciousness and awareness amongst primary investors, through consultations, workshops and dialogue with artists, art historians and art critics. It is a worth visiting for art lovers and is opened between 10am to 6pm from Monday to Saturday and is closed on Sundays and public holidays.


1, Madhuli,
Shiv Sagar Estate,
Tel: 39536266

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