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Primary Colours Art Gallery

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Primary Colours Art Gallery


Art is a form of expression. Art makes us feel, smile, and laugh. It can make us angry or incite thoughts that might open our minds. Everyone should have art! Art should be accessible to all.  Primary art Colors gallery provides a way for all to experience inspiring art.  Primary Colors is not a "traditional" art gallery. The gallery is an opportunity to reach those who might not feel comfortable walking into a gallery and introduce them to art. We are selective in the art and retail products that we provide. Quality is important to this gallery. Lorrie Boydston, Keith Cobb, Amber McCarty, Mary Bliss, George Chrisman and many more high prolific artists are showcasing their artwork and this place is worth visiting for those who are true lovers of art. It is opened from Tuesday to Saturday from 10am to 6pm. 


Near Parsiu General Hospital, 
Bommanje Patit Road 
Peddar Road
Tel: 23813063

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