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Gravity Movie Review

Gravity Movie Review
•Director- Alfonso Cuaron 
•Produced- Alfonso Cuaron and David Heyman 
•Screenplay- Alfonso Cuarón, Jonas Cuaron
•Starring- George Clooney, Sandra Bullock
•Cinematography- Emmanuel Lubezki
•Editors- Alfonso Cuarón, Mark Sanger
•Distribution- Warner Brothers Pictures
•Runtime- 90 minutes (one hour and thirty minutes) 

RATING- ****1/2 

Review- A gripping cinematic experience from start to end. Undoubtedly  the ‘Best Movie of 2013.’
•This film cannot be compared to any made before it. It accounts with true scientific accuracy the event of two astronauts left floating in space after their mission goes terribly wrong.
•The 14 minute starting sequence taken in one single shot leaves you gripped and the director maintains this hold throughout.
•The soundtrack complements the laser sharp imagery of outer space. 
•This movie is devoid of rush tempo, frantic editing or uncalled for tactics to draw attention. 
•The 3D version of the film is great, picking you up from your seat to outer space. 
•Lead actors George Clooney and Sandra Bullock deliver career best performances. 
• The small cast of the movie proves that the least can be used to produce the best. 
•This movie impresses in every department. 
Cons- Couldn’t find any.
Pure Cinematic magic. Miss it at your own risk. 
Category : Entertainment
Date : 11 October 2013
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