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European Restaurants in Noida

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Given Below is List of Best European Restaurants in Noida with their Address and Contact Details
Geoffreys Sector 18
0120 2512020; 0120 2512550; +91 9891482074, MZF 1-6, The Centre Stage Mall, Next to Atta Market, Sec-18, Noida
0120 4332800; 0120 4332801; 0120 4332900, 205 A, 1st Floor, Spice World Mall, Sector 25 A, Noida
Samarkand Sector 29
0120 2450528; 0120 2450529; 0120 4206823, R-292, Ganga Shopping Complex, Sector-29, Noida
The Sports Bar
0120 4573206, The Great India Place Mall, Opp. Atta Market, Sector 38, Noida
Spoon Food Court
0120 4222100, Level 3, The Great India Place, Sector 38A, Noida
Spice Cafe Sector 25
0120 4332948; +91 9910892369, Food Court, Second Floor, Spice World, Sector 25A, Noida
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