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Shopping Malls in Nashik

(4 out of 5 based on 2 Ratings)

Given below are the list of best Shopping Malls in Nashik. The city of Nashik has been progressing at a rapid and unprecedented pace and this has been thoroughly encouraging. The growth and the pace of development has also encouraged been encouraged with the increase in the standards of living and the disposable income.  The upscale shopping malls have not only become a regular feature of the high-rise but have become distinguishable landmarks of the city itself. Shopping centers and mall are located in almost every part of the city and the response received by the audience is enabling the establishment of many more centers and arcades for shopping. For your convenience we have listed out the best and complete list of Shopping malls in Nashik. Each shopping mall mentioned in this list is complete with concise description followed by facilities and services offered.

Nashik City Centre Mall Nashik

Address :

Sambaji Chowk, Lawate Nagar, Untawadi, Nashik 422009.

This mall is located in Untawadi, Nashik. It has 6 story multi-level parking and underground parking which can accommodate 3800 vehicles. It was established in the year 2009. ...

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