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Below you will find information on TableLand like its timings, images, address and location map.

Places to See in India

India Attraction

Hawa Mahal - Jaipur

Monuments of India


Indian Festivals

Qutub Minar

Tourist Places in Delhi

Lal Bagh

Places to Visit Bangalore

India Gate

India Gate

Birla Mandir

Temples of India

Shopping in Delhi

Shopping in Delhi

Golconda Fort

Golconda Fort

Red Fort

Forts in India

Taj Mahal - Agra

Taj Mahal



Kerala Backwaters

Kerala Backwaters

The Great Indian Tiger - Agra

The Great Indian Tiger



Thar Desert

Thar Desert

Home / Maharashtra / Panchgani / TableLand


Table land is credited to be the highest and the second longest pleateau. This elevated pleateau made of latertite rock offers scenic and view of the entire hill station of Panchgani. There is a topographical significance of the Table Land that protects the inhabitants and the hillstation from strong winds and heavy rainfall.Table Land offers breathtaking and awe inspiring view of the entire region and tourists can get a glimpse of the magnificient  Rajpura caves and Devils kichen. Apart form that Tableland is also a great place for sporting activities and games children.


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