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Mix Pub

Mix Pub

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Mix is one of the best pub located at Madhapur in The Westin Mindspace Hotel. Martini Concoctions, Mango Salsa Diprn, Sheesh Kababs and Fish Cake with chilli are the most popular dishes in this place.


  • Fine Dining
  • Live Music
  • Stag Entry
  • TV Screen
  • Air Conditioned
  • Bar
  • DJ
  • Private Parties


Approx Rs. 710 for each person (with alcohol)

Happy Hours

12 PM - 7 PM



The Westin Mindspace Hotel,
No. 15, Raheja IT Park,
Hi Tech City, Madhapur,
Hyderabad 500081.
Phone No.: 8008302164.



7 PM to 12 AM



mix pub
Mix Pub
mix pub

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