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Spicejet Limited

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SpiceJet Limited


SpiceJet Limited was incorporated in 2004. It began service in May 2005, and by 2012, it was India's third largest airline in terms of market share, ahead of Air India, Kingfisher Airlines, and GoAir. SpiceJet operates aircraft configured with a single passenger class. Along with passenger services, SpiceJet also offers cargo services on the same flights. The service is available on flights connecting Ahmedabad, Agartala, Bagdogra, Bengaluru, Chennai, Coimbatore, Delhi, Goa, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kochi, Kolkata, Madurai, Mumbai, Pune, Visakhapatnam and a few international cities. Between 2 to 3.5 tons of cargo is ferried on each flight ensuring maximum utilisation of the aircraft.  As of March 31, 2012, the Company's operations included 47 aircraft covering 39 destinations and operating 281 flights per day.
      SpiceJet Limited is listed on BSE and NSE.

Below you will find details about SpiceJet Limited Company Profile, Share Price, News, Address, Management, Registrar and Contact Details.

Indutry Type


Year of Incorporation


Registered Address

Murasoli Maran Towers,
73, MRC Nagar Main Road,,MRC Nagar
Chennai (Madras)
Tamil Nadu


Corporate Contact Details

319, Udyog Vihar
Gurgaon -
Haryana - India


Company Registrar

Karvy Computershare Private Ltd. "Karvy House"
46, Avenue 4,
Street No. 1,
Banjara Hills
Tel: 040-23312454, 23320251/751/752
Fax: 040-23311968


Company Management

Name : Designation
Kalanithi Maran : Chairman / Chair Person
Nicholas Martin Paul : Director
J Ravindran : Director
Name : Designation
Kavery Kalanithi : Director
M K Harinarayanan : Director
S Natrajhen : Whole Time Director




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