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Akshaya Heart Hospital

(4 out of 5 based on 2 Ratings)
Akshaya Heart Hospital

Akshaya Heart Hospital is a 40 bedded heart & Trauma hospital and it is the largest dedicated specialty hospital for heart patients, paralytic patients, accidental cases, poisoning patients. The hospital is equipped with modern Operation theatres, ICUs, CCU’s, and computerized Laboratories providing 24 hours emergency services. The hospital is committed to providing you with a comprehensive range of primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare services. The hospital provide the best and cost-effective care, accessible to every patient, through integrated clinical practice, education and research, delivered with compassion, care and concern through team spirit and transparency. A team of highly qualified and trained management Professionals, world class doctors, caring paramedical staff, technicians and patient care personnel to provide the highest level of care.

Category : Cardiac
City : Bhopal

Rishi Nagar, Char Imli,
Bhopal - 462016,
Madhya Pradesh, India.

Landmark : Opp. Ekant Park

Contact No. 0755-2411307, 0755-2422305, 0755-2422307

Fax No. 0755-2422306

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