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Nirvan Hospital

(4 out of 5 based on 4 Ratings)
Nirvan Hospital

Nirvan Hospital is a De-addiction cum Rehabilitation Center which was established in the year 1990. It is the first and largest De-addiction Center in Uttar Pradesh having its own building and modern infrastructure with amenities. It provides hospitality, care & affection. The hospital also provide free treatment facilities for General Insurance & United India Insurance Policy Holders under Mediclaim Scheme. According to the type of addiction and its severity they medicate, de-toxificate and relieve the person from grip of drugs. They provide treatment for various psychiatric disorders. Their treatment includes providing therapies, counseling and meditation too.

Category : Ayurvedic
City : Lucknow

Surya city, Takrohi, Indira Nagar,
Lucknow - 227105, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Landmark  : Near allahabad Bank

Contact No. 0522-227105

Mobile No. +919411107536, +918765584545


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