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Randhawa Art Gallery

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Randhawa Art Gallery

Randhawa Art Gallery is among the most renowned galleries situated at Connaught Place in Sector35b in Chandigarh. It showcases wide range of signed prints and rare paintings of both established and emerging artists. Krishen Khanna, Satish Gujral and Rameshwar Broota are among the eminent artists. The Gallery also houses the finest and masterly works of M F Hussain, A Ramachandran, Sunil Das and Meera Mukherjee. Randhawa Art Gallery also stocks an assortment of calendars and cards. For a true lover of art and the one who is in or who is visiting Chandigarh, this place is a must visit. This year round gallery is open from 11:00 to 19:00 hrs except on Sundays and public holidays.


1st Floor, 
Sector 35b, 
Chandigarh -160035.

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