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Tao Art Gallery

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Tao Art Gallery


Tao Art Gallery has been an able guide, illuminating the way to art for more than a decade now; the gallery was established on the 28th January 2000. An exhibition space divided into 2 galleries, it is owned by self taught artist, curator, connoisseur and collector, Kalpana Shah. One Mumbai's leading galleries Tao Art is presenting Imaging the Legend, an exhibition of photographs of M F Husain by well known artists and creative photographers, admirers and friends, gallery owners and collectors at Sarjan Plaza, Worli Mumbai. The show is on till June 24. Participants in this show include well-known photographers like Atul Kasbekar, Pablo Bartholomew, Raghu Rai, Fawzan Husain, Sooni Tarapoorwala, Gautam Patole and Parthiv Shah, among others. This is a high end and sophisticated state of the art gallery where top artists and top visitors visit this  
place from all over the world. 


The View, 165 Dr. A.B. Road,  
400 018 Worli
Mumbai - 400 034 
Tel: +(91)-(22) 24918585

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