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Renaissance Gallerie

(5 out of 5 based on 1 Ratings)
Renaissance Gallerie


Loacated at one of the most posh areas of Bangalore at Cummingham Road in Westminster Apartments in Bangalore. Renaissance Gallerie is an Indian Art Gallery, where one can easily find Indian Art, Online Art, Indian Fine Art, Realistic Art of India and Indian Paintings. The Gallery opened its doors in 1993 to usher in a new order of art and culture. Promoted by Shreen Malani, Renaissance Gallery, has built its foundations on the promotion of artists and the inculcation of art-appreciation among its populous. Renaissance Gallery, exhibits paintings and sculptures of artists both famous and promotional. It takes pride in introducing Famous Paintings of India. The Gallery is opened on all days between Monday to Saturday between 10am to 6pm.


104, Westminster,
13 Cunningham Road. 
Tel: 080 - 22202232 

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